How to Join

Individuals who join forces with the U S Grant Trail can look forward to keeping up to date as Ulysses Grant’s life and legacy continue to take center stage. Also, for those who would follow Grant’s footsteps, join us in order to tap into travel tips and information. An individual membership is not for the casual observer of Civil War history, or of Grant’s Presidency, but rather it aims to engage you in the literature of the Civil War and in emerging scholarship that is bringing new light and nuance to the study of Ulysses Grant.

For municipalities, businesses, and non-profit organizations, see below for your opportunities to collaborate with the U. S. Grant Trail.

This is the schedule for annual dues for individuals:

Sustaining Member: $80.00

Individuals joining at this level are entitled to a premium welcoming gift at the time of first enrollment, and while maintaining this membership, access to selected on-line original content. In addition, the National Association is developing partnerships that will offer admission discounts for museums and historic sites along the trail. Sustaining members enjoy all the benefits of standard adult membership, as well.

Standard adult dues: $50.00

A standard adult membership carries with it access to quarterly on-line newsletters featuring
articles by Civil War authorities and news from along the Trail. As the Trail Association develops
new publications or products, members will be entitled to a discount of 25% of published prices.
Most importantly, as the organization picks up preservation projects in your immediate area,
you’ll have the opportunity to help us help your community take advantage of our services. Our
general members are the backbone of the Trail Association’s prime mission, to honor and
expand upon the legacy of Ulysses S. Grant.

Seniors (65+): $25.00

For those over 65 who join at this level, receive the same benefits that apply to a Standard membership, except a welcoming gift. Sustaining or Standard adult members may convert to this level at any time after reaching the age of 65.

Student or Junior Explorer: $20.00

Available to all aged 18 or younger, or older if enrolled in a college undergraduate program. The student he same benefits as the Senior membership, except at this level, students will have access to on-line original content.

A note about taxes:

Individual dues is tax deductible to the extent that the dues exceeds anything of value received in exchange for the payment of dues. When you first join our team as an individual member, you will be permitted to choose from among welcoming gifts that have value that are disclosed when you join. many individuals and families today, those who do not itemize deductions, take advantage of a higher standard deduction, including charitable donations. Please consult a tax professional in case of doubt. If you do not plan to deduct dues, your choices are simpler.

You will have the choice also to forego your welcoming gift, in which case your dues will work that much harder to achieve the goals of the US Grant Trail

Purchase Or Receive Individual Membership Info

For those who require additional information or seek to purchase a membership, please fill out this form..

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How to Join

Cities and Counties

As a result of the work of our predecessor organization, many communities in Missouri and Kentucky have for years been taking advantage of the Trail maps and other tourist-directed publications dealing with the legacy of Ulysses Grant in their areas. We offer two levels of  memberships to cities and counties (or the tourism agencies representing them): 1) A designation of “Trail City,” which signifies that a community has…

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How to Join

Businesses/Business Leagues

A business membership is designed in particular for communities with connections to Grant’s Civil War activities. Smaller cities or towns across the areas traversed by Grant’s armies often have less access to funds for tourism development than do larger cities. Although many, many sites of Grant’s victories and defeats have been fully developed for tourists, there are other sites, in smaller communities, that are…

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How to Join

Non-Profits (NGOs)

It is of utmost importance to the full and successful development of the U. S. Grant TrailTM that historical museums and historic sites join in our mission. Non-profit organizations with a direct relationship to aspects of Grant’s legacy, including friends groups for established state, federal and local government sites, are encouraged to join. The annual dues for this membership is $250.00, but we will help you fundraise for…

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